Paper Guidelines / Yayım Esasları
Instructions for Contributors
1. The written language of the manuscripts must be Turkish or English.
2. The titles of the papers must be written in 14 point/bold and centered.
3. Author’s name, in 12 point, must be written below the article’s title as aligned to the right. Author’s personal information, title, affiliation (ifany) and e-mail must be provided in first page as an asteriks footnote (*).
4. Abstract and keywords must be written in 11 point and in Times New Roman font.
5. The papers must include “Introduction”, “Subtitles” and a “Conclusion” sections.
6. Texts of the papers must be written in 12 point and Times New Roman font as aligned to both the left and right.
7. Footnotes must be written in 10 point and Times New Roman font. Footnotes must be written at the bottom of the pages and based on examples below.
Kemal H. Karpat, Turkey’s Politics: The Transitions to a Multi-Party System, New Jersey, 1959, p. 45.
İsmail Hakkı Uzunçarşılı, “Ali Suâvi ve Çırağan Sarayı Vak’ası”, Belleten, VIII/29, Ankara, 1944, p.72.
Sources used in the article must be placed under the“Bibliography” title in 12 point, Bold and based on examples below.
KARPAT H., Kemal, Turkey’s Politics: The Transitions to a Multi-Party System, New Jersey, 1959.
Articles etc.:
UZUNÇARŞILI, İsmail Hakkı, “Ali Suâvi ve Çırağan Sarayı Vak’ası”, Belleten, VIII/29, Ankara, 1944, pp. 71-118.
Sayfa Özeti: Paper Guidelines / Yayım Esasları
Sayfa Açıklaması: Paper Guidelines / Yayım Esasları
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